Thursday, February 25, 2010

Neverland Via Snowstorm

There have been many times in college so far where I’ve felt like a real live adult. I’ve sat around in the mornings checking my email, attended meetings, bought laundry detergent; all things that made me feel like I was all grown up.

Yesterday was not one of those times.

When I looked out my window and saw the piles and piles of fluffy white snow with more floating down every minute, I felt the giddy leap in my heart that used to signal a snow day. Only this time instead of running downstairs and waiting for my school’s name to appear on the scrolling “cancellations” list, I opened my laptop and logged onto my college’s website to check for electronic notifications of cancelled classes. I had no luck and still had to trudge to class, which slightly dampened my attitude toward the whole situation.

But after class is when the real fun began. I forgot that I was 20 years old for the majority of last night and it was all because of the white stuff falling from the sky.

Things About the Snow That Made Me Feel Like A Kid:

• Getting bundled up to go outside. Specifically, putting on my gloves first so that no snow would go up my sleeves and then needing to ask “Can you zipper me?”
• Running unrestrainedly out into the snow only to realize that my socks were too short and that my ankles were about to freeze off (that is not an exaggeration, I promise)
• Building a fort for a snowball fight, taunting the other team that ours was better, and getting into arguments about stealing our snow and starting too early
• Going sledding, linking sleds with friends, getting pushes, and running back up the hill to do it again
• Getting tired and wishing someone would just carry me up the hill
• Coming inside, taking off my snow pants and jacket, and warming up with hot chocolate

I’m glad that I’m out on my own learning the skills of life and taking classes that will help me become a professional, but sometimes it’s nice to let my inner child come out and play.

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much. And also, our fort was totally better. :P
