Thursday, February 18, 2010

Don't Hate the Love

With Valentine’s Day over and the drug stores offering a million percent off their stock of pink and red everything, I started thinking about why it’s such a big deal. I’m not one of those girls who obsesses about Valentine’s Day. I don’t expect to be showered with chocolate and little plush toys clutching hearts and expensive dinners. But I’m also not one of those anti-Valentine’s haters who openly decrees my issues with this day of love at every opportunity. I spent my Valentine’s Day baking cookies and having a romantic Taco Bell dinner with my boy. But those moments of horsing around with frosting tubes and sitting in the drive-thru line blasting Blink-182 were way more fun and memorable than going to a fancy candlelit dinner. I like Valentine’s Day because it gives us the chance to tell the significant people in our lives that they care. I know, we should take time every day to let them know how we feel, but let’s face it—we don’t do that. We don’t always have time. What’s wrong with taking one day out of the year to make sure someone knows you love them?
And it doesn’t even have to be a significant other that you get mushy with on the 14th. Single friends can take the day to hang out and exchange sentiments. Don’t let this Hallmark holiday be a bummer. If anything, celebrate the next day by buying up a massive supply of chocolates with that million percent discount.

My V-Day

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