Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's All Wrong At Rite Aid

I never understood how, no matter when I go to Rite Aid, it always feels like I’m part of some bizarre Guinness World Record attempt to cram as many people as possible into a single drugstore. Day or night, the store is constantly teeming with people. Normally when I go there I have a list:

• shampoo and conditioner
• deodorant
• body wash

That’s a pretty get-in-get-out plan of action of you ask me. But edging around people who apparently take their choice of shaving cream very seriously and feel the need to stand staring at the shelves for a minimum of ten minutes really makes the time stack up. Add to that the time it takes to find a parking space if I happened to catch a ride and wait in the serpentine line for one of the available, if miserable, cashiers, and my time spent in Rite Aid is way more than I would ever want it to be.

And why is it that everyone in there always looks like they want to die? I just roam through the aisles looking at all of the grimaces and sweatpants and thinking, “when did you all give up?”

Of course I’m thankful that there’s a drugstore within walking distance that I can always get to if I need something, but I’m pretty sure that as soon as you step inside that store all of the happiness is sucked out of you faster than a Dementor’s Kiss.

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