Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is...Springing

I really wish the weather wouldn’t tease us like this. It’s been warm, sunny, and absolutely beautiful for the last few days, but there’s no way it can possibly last. Not that I’m complaining; I’ve been having a great time frolicking in the sunshine. It would just be nice if it really was officially spring and we didn’t have to worry about the thermometer dropping mockingly anymore.

Everyone sheds their layers and spends time outside on days like today. And since everyone is out enjoying the weather, you have the opportunity to witness many things. I’d just like to make a quick post to regale you with a few of the lovely sights I saw today.

• A little boy walking home from school picking berries, throwing them on the sidewalk, and then squishing them beneath his sneaker so that the juices smeared all over the concrete like the blood of an enemy
• Two old men playing tennis and emitting noises that sounded more like they were falling over than engaging in a tennis volley
• A little girl riding a scooter while her brother, harnessed with a jump rope, pulled her along behind him like a horse

It’s supposed to get warmer tomorrow, and several of us are planning on going to the beach. Any place where people walk around basically in their underwear or attempt to catch Frisbees and end up in Picasso-like shapes with free-flying limbs sounds like a good place to be to me.

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